Rachael's Welcome

Welcome to Tutor Interventions in Leicester. I’m Rachael Dyer and I set up Tutor Interventions to provide bespoke online tutoring services for children, young people and adults. Students are referred by schools, word of mouth, tutoring agencies and through adverts or links to my website and Facebook page. I have also been working with the National Tutoring Programme by supporting students in English and Maths from Year 2 through to Year 12.
I am a SEND Support Specialist with over 20 years of experience teaching children with varying levels of Special Needs, including, but not limited to:
- Anxiety and/ or Depression
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Dyslexia
- Dyscalculia
- Social-Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH)
- Behaviour Emotional & Social Difficulties (BESD)
- Speech & Language Communication Needs (SLCN)
Tutoring can include the following tests and exam preparations:
- Basic KS1, KS2 & KS3 Skills
- Entry Level, Functional Skills
Subjects can include:
- English
- Maths
- Science
- History
- Others on request if able
The ages I tutor range from 5 yrs – 17 yrs/ Adult.
I am used to implementing short-term interventions as directed by pupils:
Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP), Personal Education Plan (PEP), Provision Map and the Pupil Premium.
I can support and encourage pupils:
- To close the gap
- To catch up on basic skills
- To build and embed fluency and confidence for exams and tests
- To accelerate progress, attainment and achievement
- To develop a positive mindset and become confident and willing independent learners
- To gain mastery in concepts and to make progress at their own pace
- To achieve their full potential
- To manage their anxieties towards their learning
Rachael Dyer
Founder and Specialist SEN Support Tutor
Tutor Interventions came to fruition in April 2018, because I wanted to spend my time teaching students who needed support, as opposed to other increasing demands placed upon a teacher within a school environment. Building positive relationships with students is important! Making progress and moving towards mastery for the student's benefit, not for statistics or shareholders.
Each session is spent focusing on the student's needs and requirements, using a multi-sensory approach and a variety of strategies and resources. These can include the use of games, puzzles and the online learning spaces – Mathletics and Spellodrome.
- Tutor Interventions provides tuition in a calm and stress free environment – the student's home.
- Tutor Interventions provide a one to one student centred approach.
- Tutor Interventions focuses on using a 'multi-sensory' approach to learning.
- Tutor Interventions helps to encourage a positive mindset and is mindful of the student's health and wellbeing.
- Tutor Interventions endeavours to make learning fun again.
- Tutor Interventions allows a safe space for students to make mistakes without feeling embarrassed.
- Tutor Interventions helps students to go from “I find this tricky” to “I can do it”.